Monday, November 3, 2008

My weekend in review:
I took a long walk at Normandy and found a lot of neat things.
Then I came home to find this opossum trying to eat Charles and Ray Eames! I actually picked it up and put it outside. Yes. I really did. (Other people I know would've hit it with a broom until it ran out, but it was scared enough as it was.) He didn't bite; he was all talk.
We went to Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales.
Where we fed and petted squirrels. (Do you see a repeat pattern of naive behavior with wild animals lately, or what?)
A gigantic female orb weaver.
My BFF's son looking cute!
I didn't realize I had taken a photo of the water-bearer until I got home; Aquarius is my sign!
If swans could have myspace, this would so be his default. (He kept biting our feet when we were petting the giant koi...which is another story in itself...)
I was so excited to get a cutting of this succulent at the gardens! It is really hard to come by!
My starfish cactus cutting and a few living rocks! I have looked for living rocks for months without luck! I was giddy when I found them in the gift shop at Bok. (Yes, I'm aware that I'm a nerd.)
I dug this little cactus up on the side of the road in Lake Wales.
We came home to watch True Blood and I finally opened my bottle of saison.
It was a pretty decent weekend. Next weekend will be better, though! :)

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