Thursday, October 9, 2008

We have a praying mantid who doesn't want the visit to end. It's been hanging out on my garage door for two days now. After handling it several times, I found out the awful truth about mantids. Luckily, I was treated fairly by my visitor. It did jump on my camera lens, though.

If it is still outside tomorrow morning I'm going to set up a cage for it and take it in to K's classroom on Monday for a presentation. We spent twenty minutes just watching it watch us yesterday, so I'm sure the other kids will be just as thrilled to see one up-close.

Unfortunately, I think it might be the end of his life cycle. I hate when the summer ends, we lose all the neat insects, like our pet rhino beetles last year! I hope he stays alive until Monday...

1 comment:

Kyle said...

amazing pictures!